Good hygiene is practiced by all Munchimonsters. Simple things to do when you are sneezing & coughing:
1- Wash hands with soap for 20 seconds.
2- Cough into a hanky or tissue. Make sure you cover your mouth. Throw the used tissue away.
3- Sneeze into a handkerchief or tissue. Cover your nose & mouth. Throw the used tissue away.
4 – Get enough sleep!
5- Eat Broth Soup. Yummy & warms the tummy!
6- Do not eat sugar or krud grub when you are sick.
7- Take a nap. Get rest. Dream a little!
MUNCHIMONSTER’S ONLINE ECO-FUN SCHOOL (CLICK ‘ECO-FUN SCHOOL’ ABOVE). Here is a sample of our eco-fun online classroom. Make your own Mini Compost Bin! Bring your Mini Compost Bin to school for Show & Tell. Munchimonster has a compost bin, but its quite large!